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Public Libraries Respond to the Opioid Crisis Case Study: Barrington Public Library
By Nicolette Baffoni | November 26, 2019
Public Libraries Respond to the Opioid Crisis with Their Communities is a collaboration between OCLC and the Public Library Association, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. WebJunction states that this project will “identify, synthesize and share knowledge and resources that will help public libraries and community partners develop effective strategies and community-driven coalitions that work together to address the opioid epidemic in America.” The project will produce case studies, resources and a white paper summarizing the working and findings from this initiative.
Barrington Public Library in Barrington, RI is one of 8 featured case studies The library partnered with Barrington Adult Youth Team (BAY Team) to provide six months of mental health and opioid awareness programming, including book discussions, film screenings, Naloxone training and Mental Health First Aid Training. Read the Barrington Public Library Case Study to learn more about the various ways they partnered with community organizations to bring awareness to this issue.
You can read more at WebJunction and view the recording for the recent Public Libraries Partner to Respond to the Opioid Crisis webinar to learn more about this topic.
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