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Free 19th Amendment display from National Archives
By Donna DiMichele | September 21, 2018
Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment
The US National Archives is offering a limited number of free pop-up displays called Rightfully Hers to schools and cultural institutions nationwide.
The display contains simple messages exploring the sometimes complex history of the ratification of the 19th amendment, voting rights for women before and after the 19th amendment, and its impact today.
Display details:
- Free pop-up display from the National Archives
- Lightweight, easy to set up, and versatile
- Pop-up display requires no tools or walls, and can be set up in any public area
- Total assembled size is 66.5″ high by 32″ wide
- Total footprint is approximately 45″ square
- Participating venues will receive digital educational and press materials
- Delivered to each host venue’s doorstep in early March
- For initial display from March 8-June 8, 2019 to commemorate Women’s History Month
- It’s yours to keep! Re-use the display any time after the initial display period
- Venues will be asked to complete a brief report at the end of the initial display period
*Note: if you receive notice that there are no more displays, it means we have accounted for all available units. High-resolution Rightfully Hers posters will be made available here for free. Please submit any questions to popup@nara.gov.
Presented in part by Unilever, Pivotal Ventures, Carl M. Freeman Foundation in honor of Virginia Allen Freeman, AARP, and the National Archives Foundation.
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