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Equal Access on Websites
By ann | December 15, 2015
Being the 25th anniversary celebration of ADA (American Disabilities Act), every public library will want to consider the following.
True equal access to web content is shrouded by the following sobering statistics. Only 5% of the population with visual disabilities own or operate accessibility tools (screen magnifiers and screen readers) for full access to the web. According to Forrester as cited by Ai Squared, 11 million people have low vision, 30 million have dyslexia and other learning disabilities, 40 million have low literacy in the U.S., 47 million have language challenges, and 110 million are baby boomers in the senior demographics where vision, dexterity, cognitive and hearing degenerates. It is predicted that the number of people with low vision will double by 2020.
For more information about the barriers to content accessibility for people with disabilities and why traditional accessibility is not true equal accessibility, watch this video.
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