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Using Blogs to keep up with the Library World

By admin | April 29, 2011

Blogs are an easy way to keep up with the library world. I follow blogs on various library-related topics to stay abreast of hot issues and emerging trends, and I have found that there is a wealth of information from our colleagues all over the nation available on the internet. Here are some of my favorites-

This last blog is not from the library world at all, but I still think it deserves mention. Seth’s Blog is a blog written by author Seth Godin. It offers practical advice about marketing, innovation, and business practices. These pieces of wisdom are surprisingly relevant to libraries, and worth checking out.

If you are following any blogs that you find particularly helpful or interesting, I encourage you to post the url in the comments section.

Topics: 21st Century Skills in Libraries, Continuing Education, Future of Libraries, Literacy, Resources | Comments Off on Using Blogs to keep up with the Library World

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