Future of Libraries
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Wednesday, July 20th, 2011Help the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)! Currently working on a five year strategic plan, IMLS wants your ideas on how it can carry out its statutory responsibility “to support museum, library, and information services to meet the information, education, research, economic, cultural, and civic needs of the people of the United States.” […]
Using Blogs to keep up with the Library World
Friday, April 29th, 2011Blogs are an easy way to keep up with the library world. I follow blogs on various library-related topics to stay abreast of hot issues and emerging trends, and I have found that there is a wealth of information from our colleagues all over the nation available on the internet. Here are some of my […]
Computers in Libraries, Washington DC
Sunday, March 27th, 2011Day 3 I’ve been fascinated with the idea of tagging within the library catalog since I took my cataloging class in library school- in fact, so fascinated that I wrote my final research paper on it. At first I was deeply suspicious, but found that tags can be a wonderful compliment to Library of Congress […]
Computers in Libraries Conference, Washington DC
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011Day 2 One point here that keeps coming up is the idea of “buzz” and digital usage in the 21st century library. Who is talking about our library? What are they saying? Where are they coming from? Where do they go? How do we find out? In a session entitled, “Cool Tools: Measuring, Visualizing, and […]
Computers in Libraries Conference, Washington DC
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011Day 1 Yesterday I attended several great sessions here at the Computers in Libraries conference, but I’d like to highlight one in particular to share. Cindy Hart is the Virtual Librarian at the Virginia Beach Public Library. Besides working on web-based projects, she also closely monitors the engagement of their patrons in the digital environment. […]
What librarians make
Tuesday, November 30th, 2010If you have not yet read What librarians make. A response to Dr. Bernstein and an homage to Taylor Mali by Joyce Valenza in the School Library Journal blog, put aside a few moments to read a fantastic testimony to the role of school librarians. And all librarians. It is inspirational. My favorite quote: Library […]
Internet Librarian 2010: Random notes
Thursday, October 28th, 2010There were lots of great sessions at the conference. Some final snippets: Samuel Davis of the Columbus Metropolitan Public Library presented on Columbus Neighborhoods. CMPL, in collaboration with WOSU Public Media (the public television outlet based at Ohio State University), facilitated the creation of a community archive in preparation for Columbus’ bicentennial in 2012. CMPL […]
Collection HQ and EBSM (Evidence Based Stock Management) Methodology
Wednesday, October 27th, 2010Have you heard about a Collection HQ and EBSM? I recently attended a webinar and was amazed at what could be accomplished with this application and methodology. “CollectionHQ is the world leading collection performance improvement solution which is revolutionizing the way many public libraries select, manage and promote their collections. It is a proven product […]
Internet Librarian 2010: The ubiquity of screens
Wednesday, October 27th, 2010One of the pervasive concepts throughout the conference is the ubiquity of screens. And if you stop and think about it, screens are everywhere. Increasingly they are how we interact with the world, whether it be at the ATM machine, the supermarket, through our handhelds, our computers, our home entertainment systems. And all of these […]
Internet Librarian 2010: Ren Gen
Monday, October 25th, 2010In Monterey opening keynote speaker Patricia Martin (Litlamp Communications) spoke on Adding Value to Your Community. Author of the book Ren Gen (Renaissance Generation) she suggests that we are on the cusp of a renaissance, a time when radical change makes the established culture irrelevant. In a renaissance, old things must be shed to make […]
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